Manage Club Info 



 Managing snowmobile clubs is what Smarter Trails is all about. This utility will let you manage your clubs, and set up a club's social media with ease.

To view the list of clubs click the  "Our Clubs" button in the header to go to the our clubs page.

From the Our Clubs page you can see a list of any current clubs.  By clicking on an already created club you can go to that clubs page. You will see an Edit button, this will allow you to make changes to the club info.

  • Click the 'Edit' button to edit your club info
    • 'Preview Content' is for a brief club description for anyone looking at the list of clubs on the "Our Clubs" page
    •  Contact Description
      • This information is the 'Club Contact'. i.e. "This is who to contact with questions about the club"
    • Meeting Description
      • Is for you to set information for all users to see on your club meetings.
    • Social media Links
      • If your club has any social media links put them in here.

Still need help?  Email at or give us a call at 608.796.0560